
General settings that apply to everyday usage of Lifeboat.

Connect at launch -- Select a server, or none at all, to connect to when Lifeboat opens.

Attempt to warn me about DNS problems -- Lifeboat will check the entered domain DNS resolves to the server when saving domains and deploying apps.

Automatically deploy after staging -- Automatically deploy the app after uploading and staging is complete. This saves a click, but makes the exact time your application will go offline impossible to plan.

Close server list when connecting -- Toggle the effect where the server window closes upon connecting to a server. Turning this off can be useful for multi-server environments.

Enable Web App version history -- Toggle the version history feature that archives a copy of each version you upload.

Launch web app in browser after deployment -- Automatically open the web app in your browser after deployment is complete. This behavior mimics the Xojo development cycle debug launch.

Limit version history to {x} versions -- Limit the version history archive to a number of versions to reduce disk space usage.

Show IP address in Title Bar -- After connecting, Lifeboat will append the server IP address to the title bar for reference.