Forwarding: Reverse Proxy

Reverse proxy forwarding will send the visitor's request to the target URL, the target will process the request and respond to nginx, and nginx will pass the response to the visitor. The URL does not change in the browser and the visitor may have no idea this is happening. This can be used to run additional types of web applications on the server.

To configure a forward as a reverse proxy, from the "Type:" popup menu select "Reverse Proxy".

Select a domain and optionally enter a path. Reverse proxy configurations will always act as a directory. A trailing slash is optional, but nginx will automatically redirect visitors to the trailing-slash address if the path is not entered that way.

Enter a Target URL to send requests to. It is possible to customize headers sent to the target, click the "Proxy Headers" button. Headers are entered as name / value pairs. Spaces are not allowed in header names. Header names need not end with a colon (:), this is handled automatically.

Click the Save button to save and update the remote nginx configuration.