Managing Web Apps

The Web Apps view of a Lifeboat server lists the web apps on the server. From this list users can start, stop, and configure web apps. Contextual click (right-click) on the list for a few additional options. The status column shows the running state of the web app. Apps with multiple instances will show how many instances are running as a fraction "Running (6/8)" if any instance has failed.

Starting an App

Starting a web app will start the service that ensures the app is running. An app that is started by Lifeboat will re-start after the server boots or if the app crashes.

Stopping an App

Stopping a web app will stop the service that ensures the app is running. Apps that have been stopped by Lifeboat will not re-start after the server boots.

Configuring an app

Select an app and click the Configure button (or use the contextual menu) to switch to the app configuration view.

Viewing Logs

Select an app and contextual click the list to present the additional options. Select View Logs to switch to the log viewer. The log viewer shows the instances on the left as each load balanced instance gets a unique log file. Select an instance to view the log. Press back to return to the app list.

Launch in Browser

Select an app and contextual click the list to present the additional options. Select Launch in Browser to open the web address in the default system browser. This option is only available if the web app is running and assigned an address.