Version History

Lifeboat features a version history feature that will archive copies of web applications when they are uploaded. When enabled, this feature allows developers to revert to a previous version. This can be useful in the event of unexpected errors.

To conserve disk space, and because most users will not need this feature, it is disabled by default. Version History can be enabled from the Preferences window.

When archiving takes place

When version history is enabled Lifeboat will create an archive copy of the Web App after it has been uploaded and deployed. This ensures that archiving only takes place if a deployment was successful.

However, it is not dependent on a successful launch. This will only protect against a failure in the Lifeboat process (such as a disconnection).

After archiving has completed, the Limit version history to {x} versions setting is checked and enforced. Please be aware of everyone's settings in a multi-user environment. One user's small setting may delete more versions than expected.

Version History View

When version history is enabled a "History" tab will appear on the web app configuration view. Select this tab to switch to the version history archive list. Versions are stored by date deployed.

Select a version archive to enable the buttons. Alternatively these options are available with the contextual-click (right-click) menu.

Restore Version will restore that version of the Web App from the archive. As this action is destructive Lifeboat will confirm with the user.

Delete will remove that version of the Web App from the archive. As this action is destructive Lifeboat will confirm with the user.