Uploading a New Web App

  1. Select the "Web Apps" view
  2. Press the + button below the server app list to create a new web app
  3. Configure basic details for the app
  4. Drag and drop the Web App build folder onto the "Drop Build Folder" zone
  5. Ensure the main executable file is selected with a checkbox
  6. Click Stage to begin the upload!

* Lifeboat only supports Xojo Web Standalone builds

Automatic Executable Identification

Lifeboat will attempt to automatically identify the main executable. This works well if you drop the folder that contains the app, libs, and resources onto the files list. As a path that might look like Builds - Project/Linux 64 bit/TheAppName/, drag and drop the "TheAppName" folder. Lifeboat will attempt to find the executable by name, inferring it from the "{TheAppName} Libs" folder.