Super Simple Sync


This feature is called Super Simple Sync for a reason. This feature does two things:

  1. Copies Lifeboat.db out of a cloud-sync folder before connecting at launch if the cloud file modification date is newer
  2. Copies Lifeboat.db back into a cloud-sync folder after disconnecting immediately before the software terminates gracefully

This means it does not do live sync and can not sync between two active instances. Do not attempt to use two instances of Lifeboat sharing a Super Simple Sync database at the exact same time. That could end with conflicting configurations.


Super Simple Sync setup is under the File menu. Close all server connection windows before opening Super Simple Sync. On the window that opens, click the checkbox to enable Super Simple Sync.

Lifeboat will prompt to select a cloud synchronized folder that can be used to copy and read Lifeboat.db from. To change the sync location later click the Select... button on the file selector.

Select a directory without an existing Lifeboat.db and the software will use this location to copy the local database to.

To synchronize with an existing cloud database select a folder that contains a Lifeboat.db. To confirm the synchronization direction Lifeboat will prompt asking whether to replace the existing cloud data or download it and use it. When setting up a secondary machine select "Download Cloud Data".

To avoid the misconception of live-sync, Lifeboat cannot select a sync folder that is in use by another location.

To confirm you've read the manual and bypass the warning, hold the Control and Shift key while selecting File > Super Simple Sync... This will only need to be done once.

The Lockfile

There is a lockfile used to be sure only one Lifeboat instance is connected at any given time. If you are having trouble due to this lockfile, turn invisibles on and delete the file called .Lifeboat.lockfile from the cloud sync folder.