Custom Error Pages

To configure custom error pages select the Error Pages tab. The custom error pages table consists of two columns, the HTTP Status Code column and the Error File Relative to Web Address column.

The HTTP Code column is passed directly to nginx, so you may optionally list more than one code to be handled by the same error page. Separate multiple codes with spaces. For reference: Mozilla HTTP status codes documentation

The Error File Relative to Web Address is relative to the base Domain + Web Path. The file contents will be read out to the visitor. The visitor is not redirected. PHP scripts are not processed.

If a custom error page does not exist on the server the visitor will receive a 404 - File Not Found error.

The Easy Way

Lifeboat can assist with error page pathing. From the Static Files list view, select an entry with the address and source directory already configured and enter the file navigator. Locate and select the target file. Right-click the file and choose "Set as Error Page..." Lifeboat will switch to the error page view with the path filled, then supply the HTTP status codes as outlined in the next section.


To add a handler, click the [ + ] button below the list. This will add a new empty row. Enter an error code to handle and the address of the error page. To remove a handler, select the desired handler and press the [ - ] button below the list. This will remove the row.

An example might look like:

403 404         /error_pages/404.html
500             /error_pages/500.html